Sunday, 19 January 2014

Happily Married Life -A big diplomatic lie ?

Happily Married Life -A big diplomatic  lie ?

We are happily married -  Union Minister Shashi Tharoor post on social media three days back.
Sunanda Pushkar-wife of Shashi Tharoor -found dead on Hotel room in a mysterious condition. Whether it is a suicide or not ? Enquiry is still going on.

Happy married life -Is it a big Indian diplomatic lie? In most cases ,it is a big lie to hide for something. Minister Shasi Tharoor has set a best example.
What will happen if one partner enter into an affair which not acceptable to other partner?
Bitter arguments , physical attack , suicide ,homicide , divorce..
This  is a big challenging situation to all couples .
Somebody overcome this tough situation gracefully.
Unfortunately , lot of people fail to overcome this critical situation.
Life is relation management.
In India , lot of laws are  in place to protect the married women.
IPC 498- A  prohibits any kind of harassment against the married woman .
 This legal provision does not give any real relief  to the married woman.
Now , this provision  widely misused on the divorce cases for claim settings over the husbands and relatives.
However, the real needy women life is still in distress condition and  suffer the all pain and agony silently. Most of the married Indian women are the victim of domestic violences.
Divorce is a last resort to Indian women. Most of the Indian society and religion are not encouraging    divorce . It is still considered as taboo in several societies.
For the sake of the kids future , belief ,social security, false pride,  Married women continue an abused relation. They behave like a happily married life .
Domestic Violence act also in place here for several years  with little impact.
The women who are difficult condition need emotional  help .
In most cases , it will not happen.  They usually take the path of suicide.
Suicide with kids are also make headline in several times.

What are the solutions ?

1) The government  can start or facilitate family helping online counselling centre.
2) Start a family mental heath audit by the help of NGOs and local bodies.
3) Provide social ,physical and emotional support to the needy  family.


A healthy family is the foundation of a healthy country. Happiness of the family is the happiness of the country. Make some laws and leave the issue is not a good model for a good governance .National women commission can do very crucial role in formulation and initiating thin kind of movement. Otherwise, "Happily married" claim will continue like a diplomatic lie for coming years.


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