Saturday, 10 January 2015

Why Sunanda Pushkar Deserves Justice?

Dear Readers,

I started this legal blog one year back.
As a legal graduate , I thought  that  this kind of a blog would be helpful for the legal news interested readers.
I had strong  faith in our legal system  till the Sunanda incident happened.
The all circumstances evidence  hinted that it was a murder.
But , what happened ?
The minsters those who were in position came openly to protect the Minister  Sasi Taroor.
It was real shock to my legal understanding.
I stopped my writing for several days.
Everybody is equal in the eyes of law.
But ,  Some Minsters and Politicians are more equal to law..!?
The investigation went on cold storage.
When  the  Government has been  changed , then after one year , the investigation gets momentum.
If this  happened to  a common man, he would the land in jail .
If there was no government change, then what would be  happened?
The case would   be remained in cold storage...
What a fearful fact ?
Real truth should be find out in this case as early as possible.
Media alert will be helpful in this  case.
Sunanda never deserves this kind of death.
The  guilty should be exposed - How  much intellectual or influential  the guilty doesn't  a matter.
Our faith in the legal system has to be regained.
No doubt .Sunitha deserve justice.
It bady needs for  the faith our legal system.
Let  us watch and wait for  the final truth

10 January 2015

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