Thursday, 12 September 2013

Life Imprisonment to natural death is more severe than death Punishment.

Life long imprisonment or Death punishment :which is more severe?

The Delhi gang rape convicts are waiting their punishment  . Will they get death or life imprisonment?  It will be declared on Friday. The four  convicts fate is hanging between the death and life imprisonment.

Rarest of Rare case ?

Let court  decide. However, the high public attention and Media scrutiny will be a great challenge to the court while considering the punishment . Public opinion is for death penalty. But ,court has to consider the fact that whether it is falls under the category of "Rarest of the Rare case ".
And court has to consider the mitigating factor which is favour to the convicts.

A common belief is that death punishment is more hard  than the life long punishment .
Is it really true? No . Life long imprisonment till the natural death is more hard and severe .It is life long suffering. No proper light and ventilation,  unhygienic  toilets , dirty floor and cruel inmates -Real hell life!   The convicts may  get mad  within some years life.

Convicts desire to Death

In this unbearable situation most of the convicts will have a strong desire to death.
Please be remember that first accused in the Delhi gang rape  suicide in the Tihar jail before starting the trial.
In the death punishment , the all sufferings will be end in five seconds .
In the absence of human life , every convicts prefer death as an escape route  from all sufferings.

Life long imprisonment is the worst punishment

If the court deliver , death punishment till the natural life that is the worst punishment to the convicts.
Every day ,Every second they will suffer. They will die every day with high mental and physical  pain.
If court give death punishment , they can escape from all sufferings within seconds.
No doubt. Life long imprisonment is more hard and severe to convicts than death punishment.


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