Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Sexual Crime :Prevention is more better than punisment

Sexual Crime : More focus for prevention

Life Imprisonment or Death punishment ? which will be the punishment for the Delhi Gang Rape convicts? Everybody has keep this question in the mind. The court will declare the punishment on Friday. They may get death punishment or life imprisonment .
Public opinion is for  the death punishment .The severity  of the Crime shocked the country.
One of the worst crime happened in a moving bus. The image of the India tarnished all over the word.
The number women  tourist from  abroad gradually decreased  after the Delhi Incident-A survey revealed recently.
Some activist requested for  death punishment  for sending a strong message to the society . They hope that it will work as a fear element among the society and the potential Rapist will never commit the crime.
Whether the death punishment is the remedy for decreasing the number of Rapes?
The question is highly debatable.

Dhananjoy Chattergee Case

Tewnty five years ago, a security guard in Bengal  named Dhananjoy Chattergee was hanged for the offence of  raping and killing a school girl. After the incident , the rape incident in India never decreased. Even in  Bengal state also witnessed the increase of rape incidents year by year.

The new Rape Law impact.
After , the Delhi Incident , the government amended the criminal law and included lot of severe provision including death penalty for the rape offences.
However, the rape incident  survey  says a different  a story of  Capital City. The last year , nearly 400 rape cases  were reported in Delhi. After the strict law ,the number of rape cases crossed  the number 1000 till now. Some cases may be motivated by the vested interest .But most of the cases may be genuine. Why this happened ? Where the fear factor?

The Missing element
The law is not a magical remedy for all social evils. By the means of law only , the rape incidents can not be controlled. The behaviour pattern of the rapist is very different from common people. The strict law is a success to generate fear in the mind of general public. However, the rapist never bother about the strictness of the law. They are searching for the opportunity for committing the crime. when the time come ,they will commit the crime.

Prevention is better than punishment.
How to prevent the sexual crime? The only way is to prevent the opportunity. The Delhi Incident is an outcome of the favourable opportunity. Suppose , if the victim had an emergency alarm watch in her hand and if it sent frequent SOS messages to the all surrounding police stations and news channels - Does the worst crime happen ? No . Nobody dare to do any crime  if they feel that they will be caught. This is the only way to ensure the safety of the women.
what Government should do?

The government should give safety devices  at free of cost to all women who are living the vulnerable conditions . Now a days lot of safety devices are available and lot of devices are in the inventing stages. Let more focus on prevention than the punishment. The criminals should  get the punishment .
But that is not the ultimate goal of law. The Delhi Rapists may get death punishment .But , what about the medical student who lost her life after the brutal rape. Punishment is not an equal remedy.
Rapists and killers are roaming around everywhere   for seeking the opportunity. Effective preventing measures are the only remedy to prevent  the worst sexual crimes.


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